4 thoughts on “Screens”

    1. Yep. Keeps telling me I don’t have the authority for the terms I’m using, posts scheduled items, emails all my followers, then disappears the posts till their scheduled date and time. I met Nature Boy on a plane to Charlotte once and got his autograph for my boys.

      1. What a cool dad! There was some wrestling show in town here many years ago. My husband and boys were in Waffle House when the Killer Bees walked in. My younger son was star struck when the guys came over and talked with them. Sadly, no autographs.

        1. I had no idea who he was. People were coming up to him so I asked a stewardess. She wasn’t sure but thought he might be a fighter. I looked for something I had that he might sign and found The Economist. The cover story was on gay marriage. Inside I found an article on nuclear war with a bunch of white space that seemed more appropriate. He signed it to each of my boys names, “best in sport.” When we landed I called and asked them if they’d ever heard of some guy named Rick Flair or Nature Boy. They were over the moon.

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