4 thoughts on “Love of Flying Unmasked”

  1. Our governor says let ‘er fly. Much to the dismay of our, obviously smarter, mayor. Her leather jacket will protect her.

    1. I think Abbot and DeSantis tell the same lie about adults being smart enough to choose their own responsibility. Adults can choose to smoke if they want but they may not do it where I don’t get to choose their 2nd hand smoke. Similarly how would Abbott like it if he entered a small room in a church which it was his job to clean with no one telling him that the (unmasked) choir had just been in there practicing for an hour?

        1. No. I imagine them taking a chance that with vaccinations in full swing the virus won’t take off again and they’ll be remembered as the brave politicians who stood up for freedom, never mind the dice they’re rolling with their constituents’ lives.

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