Blog Note

I’m in the throes of some long overdue updates but things may be a tad disoriented for a little while. I am attempting to provide a slightly more integrated experience between my blog, obBLOGato, and my main web site. So I have cross connected the links to various pages and changed to a WordPress theme that mimics (somewhat) the left-side menu navigation of my Zenfolio site. I will, over time, slowly integrate them better and, eventually, actually move the others site onto my domain, Until then, patience…

Blog Note

Well, I hadn’t intended to change the look and feel of the place for 2020 but WordPress posted notice of a new theme for 2020 and I thought I’d give it a whirl. Only I hit the wrong button and instead of testing it in the sandbox I activated it. But I really didn’t like it (some of you may have seen it there for an hour or so, all cream colored with red-wine highlights).

Then I couldn’t remember or find the old theme so I had to go through them all to find one I liked. Then I discovered it hadn’t kept track of my randomized header images so I had to select and crop and test a bunch of new header images and randomize them. And finally I took advantage of the imbroglio to update some of the widgets and menus.

Welcome to obBLOGato’s new look for 2020!