Passing the Time

108th St and Amsterdam Avenue, New York
108th St and Amsterdam Avenue, New York


I noticed what looked like a newborn, improbably sticking up out of a shopping cart by an apparently homeless couple. I came over and said hi and expressed satisfaction that it wasn’t really a live baby and took a picture of it. By then a friend (see next post) had come over and joined them. We shook hands and he asked my name which I told him, but they never reciprocated with theirs. It was suggested that my fine picture of the doll would sell – I interrupted to laugh at that notion – and then that a contribution to the homeless would be appreciated. I offered a few dollars and asked to take their portrait, to which the 2 shown here agreed. The woman said she’d seen me around the neighborhood shooting and that she lived in the homeless shelter up the block. After seeing the picture, their companion decided he’d like his taken after all. See my next post, later today.