B and B

I often post a “hotel room view” out the window. In this case we were staying at a lovely Bed and Breakfast, the Kimberley in St Agnes. Here are a few pictures from the room featuring the play of light through the blinds and on the walls. If viewing in email, click the post title to click into the images and see them larger.


New York

I spent the final week of 2020 quarantined in my bedroom from the day after Christmas until a couple of days into the New Year – 10 days. While I never suffered any symptoms, I had accompanied my mother to take the test that was positive in her case, potentially exposing me and I followed NY State’s guidelines (and, yes, she’s nicely recovered now, thank you). Towards the end of those 10 days I pulled out my camera, attached a 60mm macro lens (90mm e) and started looking around the bedroom for something to shoot. Fair warning: bedroom macros coming up!