
Brightwells Yard, Farnham

I shot this looking out the window because I liked the geometry of it. The men were about to dig up a lot of the brick so they could lay some conduit along the base of the building, then cover it all up again. I thought of it as a black and white image at the time because of the strong shadows and the triangle formed by the two men and the circle of conduit in the lower left.

Tree and Shadow

Brightwells Yard, Farnham

A most unremarkable photo. I was struck by the tree and it’s shadow on the plain green background of the grass. I tried it in B&W but that didn’t really work for me. I tried reducing the saturation and a variety of other treatments. In the end I left it alone but changed it from Fuji’s Provia, my standard base raw interpretation to Fuji’s Classic Negative, which is somewhat less saturated. This is less bright green than I remember the original scene but more like the image I was trying to capture.

Back Home

Farnham, UK

Back home after our travels in July and this spore or floral frame was hanging by a single, unseen thread of spider silk from the side of the window. I watched it for days, blowing in the wind but not blowing away. Finally, one morning I opened the window wide, reached up and grabbed it by the thread. I then had the greatest difficulty detaching it and the still unseen spider thread from my finger and placing it on the window sill, in the stark sunlight, beside the shadow cast by a mint plant. Below is another shot I took of it by itself (with its shadow) using a 60mm macro lens.

The train home from Edinburgh

from the train window, Edinburgh to London King’s Cross

Thus ends our trip to Scotland. Below, a few snaps of the train journey to London and then on to Farnham, either through or reflected in the train windows. Click any of them to see them full sized (you may need to click the post title first if that doesn’t work and you’re seeing this in an email or on social media).

Cathedral of Our Lady


Some touristy postcard snaps of this magnificent cathedral, famous for its Pieter Paul Rubens paintings. You can see his Descent from the Cross in the 5th picture above and next to it an homage by Sam Dillemans. The accompanying brochure explains that the very realism of the Rubens fails to perturb the contemporary viewer as it ought, where the brutal impasto of the homage succeeds (it’s difficult to write sensibly about art). Click any of the pictures to see them all big (you may have to click the post title, above, first if you’re seeing this in an email).


The Magritte show is on level -4. We then descended to levels -5 through -8 for the Fin-de-Siècle museum. Again I was struck by the geometry, space and architecture that museums always exhibit as much as the art they display.