Some more haiku sketches

These are a few more shots, potentially for the haiku project. They are 2 different shadows on the wall, slightly before dawn, cast by the security lights of the construction site outside my apartment. Shooting at base ISO yielded exposure times of 2.1 and 4 seconds respectively.


Farnham, UK

I woke early, thinking about a photo project I’ve been returning to, based on Ezra Pound’s famous haiku. I slipped up to the living room attempting not to disturb my sleeping spouse and saw the security light in the street below shining through the frost on the window and silhouetting the basil plant on the sill. I grabbed my tripod and took a few pictures at different distances and heights, this one at 1.3 seconds at f2.8 (and the Fuji base ISO of 160). It looks a little zen, no?