Netting it Out

Last weekend (7th & 8th of November) we had gorgeous Autumn weather with temperatures in the low 70°s (over 20℃). Also, I had just received a new toy, the Fuji 16-55mm f2.8 lens. This is meant to be a replacement for the kit zoom lens which is a not bad 18-55mm f2.8-4.5. Relatively speaking, the new lens is a beast, much bigger and heavier. It also focuses instantly and silently and is a tad wider. And it’s $300 off at the moment. Naturally I took it out for a walk in Central Park so over the next few days I’ll be posting some quotidian Autumn color shots from the park. Of course the tiny 23mm f2 will remain my main walking around lens.

92nd St and Central Park West, New York