Farnham to Paris

We got home from Edinburgh on a Friday evening. Monday morning we set off for London and then on to Paris for a few days, where 25-years earlier we had celebrated our honeymoon.

National Museum Roof Garden

Edinburgh, Scotland

The National Museum of Scotland has a roof garden with tremendous views. Above an in camera sweep panorama that covers only about 180º of the view. Below, a series of shots that will show some of the views a little closer. Click on any of them to see them larger.

Palais de Justice, Brussels

The immense Palais de Justice, a building that looks like something out of Gormenghast, has been undergoing renovation for some time. We took an elevator from Rue des Minimes up to the level of the Palace, took a quick look and walked out onto the Place Poelaert which gives a tremendous view across rooftops of the area below. Click any picture to see them all full sized (you may need to click the post title, above, first if you’re seeing this in an email).

Rydal Mount to Grasmere

We continued walking the trails from Rydal Mount, some of it in a steady light rain, down to our next stop, Grasmere (not the one in Staten Island!). Dove Cottage, where Wordsworth lived earlier in his life is a major attraction here. By the time we arrived apps told us we’d walked 10 miles. This proved to be the case almost every day of this vacation to the point that I actually lost a few pounds!