Close to Land’s End

In the distance of the first picture you can see some white buildings. That’s as close as we got to Land’s End, the most westerly point in the country. Somewhere along the way we passed a Bronze Age barrow cemetery but it wasn’t tremendously apparent where it began and ended. If you click to enlarge the picture of the beach (click the post title first if you’re seeing this in an email), you can see a couple of people down there to provide some sense of scale and distance. As we walked back from almost-Land’s End to Nanjizal we came upon the same herd of horses who again tried nibbling at my clothes (while one napped).

Night Falls

Just in case the drama and majesty of the Falls are not enough, they are lit up at night in changing colors and throughout the tourist season there is a nightly fireworks display. Some years ago I remember setting up my camera on a tripod and taking long, 30-second exposures at low ISOs. These were shot handheld on automatic through my hotel-room window with some minimal noise reduction, contrast and a few other minor adjustments. (Click any image to see them all enlarged.)

Watery Portal

Niagara Falls, Ontario

After waiting to get down the elevator to the tunnels behind the falls, you line-up again to get your few seconds at one of these openings right behind the raging falls. Most people take selfies or family-portrait selfies. This image really doesn’t do justice to the full drama and fury of the water cascading past, right in front of you.

First Look at the Falls

The Falls really are stunning. I will try not to bore with too many, too touristy shots but it’s hard not to want to capture some of their majesty from every angle, as hordes of tourists were doing with cameras and phones. Click any image to see them all enlarged.