Camden Art Centre

Camden Art Centre, London

Several weeks ago, we did a crawl of London galleries, starting at the Camden Art Centre and the Bloomberg New Contemporaries, a student show that contained surprisingly mature work. Once again, I was struck by gallery spaces and the installation below (‘Twinkling finale’: 4.3.2‽_-⨅⨼, 2022 by Zayd Menk). Click either image below to see them larger.

Museum Spaces

Stairwell, Scotish National Museum of Modern Art

No visit to a museum would be complete without a review of the geometry of the spaces. Click any of the pictures below to see them full sized (you may need to click the post title first if you’re not seeing this directly on the web-site).

Dartmoor Prison

The notorious Dartmoor Prison maintains a museum!

HM Prison uniforms. Note that women are not issued shoes.

The prison camera and the sitter’s chair for keeping bums in seats, requires the patience of the Buddha. If viewing in email, click the post title to click into the images and see them larger.


Looking back, it seems like 2002 was the first time it dawned on me that I could use the family Kodak point-n-shoot digital (2 MP) for more than just recording family events. I took the camera out and walked up and down the street looking for opportunities while my SLRs continued their slumber in the back of the closet.

West 99th Street, New York


Since the pandemic struck I’ve stopped going to the office. that means I no longer have to carry a messenger-style bag large enough to hold my MacBook, charger and other work supplies in addition to my camera, spare batteries, lenses, charger, etc. All of which allows me to carry a much smaller lighter bag. At the same time, my X-T4 arrived so now, in my smaller, somewhat lighter, smaller bag I carry the X-T4, usually with the 23mm f2 lens on it, the X-T3 with the longish 55-200 on it for those very occasional long shots, as well as another street lens (18-55mm kit zoom), extra batteries and a couple of other knick-knacks. The point of this overlong gear recitation is that I occasionally take a shot or two with the X-T3 and the long lens, then stuff it back in the bottom of the bag. Last week I decided to see what was on that chip and so, over the next several posts, instead of my usual more or less contemporaneous and sequential shots I’ll be delving back into shots taken at different times and places. You may not be able to tell the difference!

New York